I got this message… and I couldn’t update my DNS-records on my switch, because Ansible failed with… Which is ridiculous,…
Compress Video for Slack using FFmpeg
So yesterday, I wanted to share a screen recording with a colleague over Slack. I didn’t however want them to spend unnecessary seconds downloading a “huge file” so obviously I went to Google, to figure out how to make a video for Slack smaller!
I don’t always push to origin…
How I develop in the Ubuntu terminal for Windows 10
This post serves as personal persisted notes about the continuous small tweaks I make to develop efficiently in the Ubuntu terminal on Windows.
Minikube on Ubuntu in VMware (nesting VM’s)
Yo dawg, I heard you like keeping your host clean while learning about kubernetes with minikube. So i installed VMware Workstation on your host and enabled VT-x/ept under virtual machine settings so you can run virtual machines while you run virtual machines.
Right-click Powershell as Admin – not quite as hacky as you thought it would be
or centuries, man has longed for a way to start the Powershell with administrator privileges in their current folder. Ages…
Pizza a la Figaw
Jeg skal altid Google pizza toppings, og så får man 100 blogposts med hver sin liste af 25 spændende pizza-toppings, som i virkeligheden bare er pizzaer, og der skal ost på dem alle sammen. Så her kommer min liste, en rigtig liste. En liste over hvad der skal på en ganske traditionel pizza!
Rome Sweet Rome
Home Sweet Home, a mistranslation of Rome Sweet Rome, originally by Caesar.
Wok med Oksekød og Brocolliblanding
En total no-brainer af en gryderet.
Wolfram Cloud – functions, do iteration, if and lists
I was reading about group theory recently, for basic cryptography, and wanted a function for computing the set $latex \mathbb{Z}^*_n$..