Jeg er altid ved at gå en smule i panik et øjeblik når jeg hører varslingssirenerne (900 point i scrabble) kl. 12, den første onsdag i maj..
A Story about Naming and Mobile Platforms
Sometimes there’s a great idea behind a name, sometimes there’s not. Sometimes a brands name has so much depth, meaning, a hidden secret or easter egg, and at other times, it’s just complete gibberish.
Unfriended (2014)
Jeg har set Unfriended (2014). En gyser om en flok unge mennesker der har en ubehagelig oplevelse på Skype – som man jo bl.a. har når man bruger Skype.
TED: Because as we all know, less is more!
Still think there aren’t enough hours in the day? That’s because you utilize them wrong! If less is more, then…
Når Gode Råd er Sløje
Når man er syg, er der alskens gode råd til hvordan man bliver rask. Det gode her, er jo heldigvis at de på ingen måde kolliderer.. eller hvad? (The Clickbait is real!)
The Student’s Christmas Peace
The d. 1. of december has arrived, and I’ll be darned if I didn’t just see, a year old joke on Facebook (the picture above,) and thought.. this year we’re going to try something new! With students, thesis’ and Christmas Peace!
Because Girls and Tattoos
I’ve been wondering whether I should have a tattoo made of this fella…
Tundra – The Arctic Tinder
The world is cold – break the ice!
TED: Your Words May or May Not, Anything, Perhaps!
Have you ever wanted to predict the future? Ha! You’re the only one in the universe then! At least until…
TED: The Evil in Humans
A talk about the way scientists quantify and has mapped out just how not just we actually are! You knew…