
This is an about page, it will tell you all about!

A very serious photo of me
A very serious photo of me

About me!

Hello my name is Nicolaj! I study Computer Science, in my spare time I’m working on projects and when I’m working on projects I’m programming. Like Roguelikes and dungeon crawlers.. lots of Roguelikes and dungeon crawlers..

About my Blog!

First I created two blogs, but since none of them were meant to be very active, they slowly became very, very passive. So I decided to smash them together, host them on my own site, and have it become MY blog, about everything I would possibly blog about.

Figaw’s Helpdesk, was initially a blog intended for the answer I would give to people, when they wanted help with their computers or other electronic gadgets. Far too often would I give a way too thorough answer I solving their problems, and they would just throw it away afterwards, sometimes without even reading it, and that is a waste of my time. So now it might even help others, and my time is not wasted anymore!

Figaw’s Computer Tricks, was where I put all my hacks, add-on’s, and notes about strange tweaks I’d done to my computers. This is where you might find a plug-in for your browser you’d never thought you needed before!

Grandma Tricks, is the latest addition. I have no idea how to do household tasks, but I’m learning all the time, and this will be a collection of the tricks that people tell me they’ve heard from their grannies, parents, friends, other relatives or complete strangers whom had a clue to whatever they were trying do. Like.. “Once I had to prepare a ton of garlic and this old man told me..”.. great story btw.